Best Programs and Best People

2025 Research

March 2025: Benchmarks 40+ leading pharmaceutical account management teams based on managed care customer evaluations of account manager skills and overall quality. Assesses manufacturer performance across ten critical core and consultative account manager skills. 

February 2025. Provides an in-depth review of managed care executives' evaluations of relationship status and level of access of customer-facing personnel to managed markets key decision makers.

2024 Research

July 2024. Provides an in-depth review of program/resource offering availability and importance to managed care executives' across thirteen therapeutic areas and reviews manufacturer-sponsored program/resource offerings across eleven program types.

June 2024. Provides managed care customers' nominations of the best MCSLs and the factors driving nominations.

May 2024. Benchmarks 40+ leading pharmaceutical medical/clinical science liaison (MCSL) teams based on managed care customer evaluations of MCSL skills and overall quality.

April 2024: Provides managed care customers' nominations of the best-in-class account managers and the factors driving nominations.

Best Programs and Best People

Research Overview

It is critical that pharmaceutical firms maintain strategic partnerships with key accounts in an evolving and increasingly complex managed care environment. HIRC's Best Programs and Best People Service offers insights specific to the development of successful value-added programs, and training of account managers and medical/clinical science liaisons (MCSLs).

The service examines the attributes of the best manufacturer programs and the skill sets that characterize the top tier account managers and MCSLs through the use of triangulated research design, combining detailed survey data and in-depth interviews with managed care panelists.

For more information or to subscribe, contact Lisa Nanfra via email or at (408) 884-8560

Comprehensive Approach to Account Access

Insights from commercial pharmacy and medical directors and PBM executives are gathered to assess current performance of account manager and MSL teams, the critical skills that characterize the best-in-class, and manufacturer-sponsored program offerings and customer needs.

  • Account Manager Performance
  • Medical/Clinical Science Liaison Performance
  • Critical Skills and Attributes
  • Customer Support Programs

Bringing Value to Subscribers

HIRC's data enable subscribers to develop valuable programs, track account management and MSL performance, and understand decision-makers' expectations of account personnel as the health care market evolves. 

Through detailed analyses, key implications, and strategic recommendations from experienced HIRC researchers, subscribers to the Best Programs and Best People Service are able to benchmark performance relative to other pharmaceutical firms serving managed care accounts and develop training programs to maximize sales team and program effectiveness.