Organized Providers

2025 Research

March 2025. Examines manufacturer account engagement and access to IDN decision-makers, presence with IDN accounts, as well as IDN nominations for overall manufacturer "Partner of Choice" benchmark ratings of 35+ manufacturers in relational status from distant/tactical to collaborative/strategic.

February 2025. Provides IDN decision-makers nominations of a best-in-class IDN/systems account managers, ratings of 35+ account management teams in presence and overall quality, and evaluates account manager performance across six critical competencies. Identifies opportunities for key account managers to enhance engagement with IDNs/health systems. 

2024 Research

October 2024. Reviews integrated delivery networks’ (IDN) quality benchmark systems, quality goals/objectives by disease state, and population health management capabilities.

September 2024. Examines IDNs' "Most Valuable" manufacturer program nominations provides ratings of 25+ manufacturers in Presence and Value of Programs/Resources as well as the frequency of support across eight unique program categories, and identifies opportunities for future support.

May 2024. Detailed profiles of 25 select, industry-leading IDNs, including size, volume, and financial metrics, strategic imperatives, and pharmacy capabilities.

May 2024. Examines the top market trends driving IDN decision-making and strategy. Provides an update on IDN risk-bearing activities, including system-led health plans, direct-to-employer arrangements, and participation in payer value-based payment programs. Reviews IDNs' most urgent strategic imperatives for 2024 and efforts to increase access to care along the continuum.

April 2024. Reviews trends in direct contracting between IDNs and pharmaceutical manufacturers, including contract types and prevalence across 25 therapeutic areas. Examines health systems' influence over physician prescribing behavior through standardized treatment pathway development, inpatient and outpatient formularies, and enforcement and compliance mechanisms.

Organized Providers

Research Overview

The Organized Providers Service assists pharmaceutical firms in understanding the health care trends impacting the the Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) market and the resulting pharmaceutical market access landscape.

HIRC's research with integrated delivery networks provides market insights and metrics to assist pharmaceutical firms in developing access strategies and quality value-added programs.

For more information or to subscribe, contact Karen Ernst via email or at (610) 888-9417. 

Comprehensive Approach to Strategy Development

HIRC's research monitors the market landscape of the integrated delivery network segment and examines trends in value-based reimbursement, population health and quality measurement, medication management, and the direct contracting landscape. The service also benchmarks manufacturers in several key evaluative metrics to gauge IDN account support and coverage.

  • Integrated Delivery Network Market Landscape Trends and Key Account Profiles
  • Benchmarking Manufacturer Relational Status with IDNs, Account Manager Engagement, and Program/Support Offerings
  • IDN Medication Management and Direct Contracting
  • IDNs' Quality & Population Health Initiatives

Bringing Value to Subscribers

HIRC's data and insights enable subscribers to understand and track market dynamics and trends critical to optimal product and value-added program positioning as the health care delivery market evolves. 

Through detailed analyses, key implications, and strategic recommendations from experienced HIRC researchers, subscribers to the Organized Providers Service are able to monitor and evaluate critical market trends, understand the role of organized providers in product access and utilization, benchmark manufacturer support, and act upon partnership opportunities.